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    The monument of Grenfell Tower has been exploited in the media to conceal what happened, to make it


    The Black Tower project aims to disrupt this disappearance by crowd-sourcing photos taken by thousands of Londoners after the fire. These will be used to make a short film to challenge how the story is being told. 

    Invitations for the screening will be published online and the project will be made available to help keep the significance alive in public consciousness.


    All images accepted: Images of the Tower part-hidden by trees

    and buildings are welcome. Images taken from indoor spaces welcome. Any quality/height/angle.


    1 Images of the Tower after the fire only. NO IMAGES OF THE FIRE.

    2 Submissions can be anonymous or named. No limit to quantity uploaded.

    3 Images already uploaded to social media are welcome.

    4 Must be your own original images.

    5 See Terms and Conditions and social media's own T&C


    Deadline Extended:

    Terms & Conditions for

    The Black Tower

    1 Images of the Tower after the fire only. NO IMAGES OF THE FIRE.

    2 Submissions can be anonymous or named. No limit to quantity uploaded.

    3 Images already uploaded to social media welcome. 

    4 Must be your own original images.

    5 See social media's own T &C.



    By sharing images and clips with The Black Tower, you assign to production copyright and all other rights in your contribution for artistic use in the film The Black Tower produced in line with the overall objectives of the project described in the Open Call. 


    You agree that your footage may be edited or adapted in line with Goldsmith’s ethical policy for MA research projects on the condition that the meaning of your contributions is sustained.

    You agree not to exercise any 'moral-rights' in respect of the uses of your contribution against the production of The Black Tower. 


    The project does not guarantee that your images or clips will be used in the final edit of the film. However, you have the right to withdraw your images/clips at any time within a month of submission as long as this period does not extend beyond 1st August 2018 or a month before final edit is published - whichever is sooner. 


    You understand that submissions can be anonymous. 

    However, should you request name to be disclosed your name will appear in the credits and made public. 

    No data will be held about you or your submission beyond the final project date which will be published online. And any data (names submitted for credit) will be stored according to the Data Protection Act 1998. The Black Tower - as hosted by - is GDPR compliant and any personal information that you consent to provide will be collected for the duration of the project only.  


    Any communication that The Black Tower receives via email will collect email address but only for the purpose of updating participants the progress of the project. The Black Tower will never share your data with any other agency or organisation without your consent. 

    flyer in situ
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    © 2018 By The Black Tower

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